Enemy Dex.

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Enemy Dex

This is the page with all the enemys in SMBX.

Enemys in game

Goomba: the little fungus from the original SMB.

Koopa: The green shelled Turtle creature also from the original SMB.

Boo: Our favorite little ghost is back from SMB3 to reak his havic.

King Boo: The King of all Boos has made a return from luigi's mansion to battle you and possibaly join your team?

Anti-Guy: The deadly ShyGuy from PM has returned to General Guy's side to finish what they started.........

General Guy: The ShyGuy General has returned to comand his troops with no mercy.

Enemys Submitted:

None yet.........

Custom made Enemys:

None yet.

The enemy's mssion:

The enemy's mission is to basicly start a rebelion against the Mushroom Kingdom,Bowser was thought to be in head of this plan but he wasn't.Who could this mystrous person be well you just have to find outWink

Power stars and star Spirits:

The star Spritis are guids after you unlock them one by one,they also help you retrieve Power Stars to unlock special gates that can not be normaly entered through.In the Flash The Star Spirits are in prizoned in 7 enemy bosses,they harnest the Star Sprrits Powers to eventualy gain strength beyond beliefe.The Power Stars in the Flash how every give the heroes power to rescue the Star Spirits and up grade there Star Status.

Playable bosses:

Thier is verous play able bosses that you fight through out the game,head my warning depending on what boss it is they'll either trick you and steal some thing very important or join your team so be carful when desiding if you want them to join your team.